Westminster College Lagos, a new citadel of qualitative education, was opened officially for students on 25th September 2000. The College is strategically located at a spacious highbrow area of Idimu in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State.
The College is an International Comprehensive Secondary school, purpose built for Day and Boarding students with all necessary facilities in place. The College is sited at 7-15 Johnson Barovbe Street, Off Ikotun Idimu Road, Idimu Lagos.
Westminster College Lagos is a private institution which educates boys and girls from all states of the federation of Nigeria and students from Overseas. The College has the basic aims to nourish individual ability within a responsible community and to encourage academic success, physical health, moral stability and imaginative alertness.
Westminster College Lagos sees the pursuit of academic excellence as a route to social and personal improvement. Individuals are valued for their qualities rather than their origins, and every effort is made to ensure that access to the college is not impeded by economic circumstances. There is a firm commitment to the concept of an all-round education, with emphasis on the encouragement for creativity and practicality as well as the inculcation of mental discipline.
We seek to provide a stimulating environment, in which individual will grow in confidence with skill, knowledge and compassion.
The beauty of Westminster College Lagos is the class size. Westminster College Lagos is small in size but great in achievement. For effective teaching and monitoring of students’ progress, class sizes are carefully regulated to ensure the optimum students to teacher ratio. The maximum number of students per class in Westminster College is 20, which is below the National Average.
A child success in later life will be greatly helped by academic qualifications. At Westminster College we aim at providing academic education of the very highest standard, this is achieved by proper organisation of teaching staff and students.
Information technology or Computer Science has successfully brought the world together. We at Westminster College are committed to providing an environment that encourages confidence, creative and intelligent use of much that modern computing has to offer. Information Technology as a subject is taken seriously from the first day a Student is admitted into the College.
All students are given the opportunity to use computers at the college computer laboratory. It is obvious that students will leave Westminster College Lagos with competent foundation in Information Technology that will support them in their future studies and career.
Westminster College Lagos provides well secured and separate hostels for boys and girls. Boarding is a vital and thriving element at Westminster College, contributing much to everyday life at the College. Great thought is put into every aspect of its provision to ensure that each boy or girl will look back at their time with us as being amongst the happiest and most fulfilling of their life.
We believe we have much to offer each and every student in our care. Whether it is the calm structure of Prep time, the varied weekend activity programme or the chance to develop lifelong friendship, sporting, musical or artistic skills, boarding can make the difference. The maturity and skills learnt through boarding smoothens the transition to University life and adulthood.
We believe that there are no substitutes for experienced and qualified teachers. The College is well staffed with experienced and professionally qualified teachers for qualitative teaching, enthusiastic learning, vigorous extra-curricular activities and attentive pastoral care.
Today everybody talks about a disciplined society. Westminster College prides itself on attaining the very highest standard of orderliness, consideration for others and working together. The College provides a strong and clear frame work within which boys and girls develop self-discipline. Punctuality and proper standards of personal appearance are considered important. Failure to maintain standards is appropriately dealt with.
Why should parents contemplate on sending their children to Westminster College Lagos? The answer lies in the character of the students already at the College, whose honesty and directness match their sense of purpose and friendliness.
Great sense of unity of purpose permeates the College and all that it tries to do. Students and staff take pride in achievements as well as striving for excellence in current work and play. Simply, the college hopes to encourage and teach every student to do his/her best by developing a sense of belonging. We are also a very busy college and throughout the week and including the weekends, the resources of the college, especially our magnificent Science Laboratories, Art Studio and Computer Centre are used by students and staff to the fullest. The teaching staff is dedicated and restlessly busy. In consequence, the boys and girls are kept busy and we feel this happy pursuit of academic emphasis, spiritual and extra-curricula challenges will be the way our students will form the foundation for successful lives. At Westminster College we certainly want all the students to feel the sense of fulfillment that comes from facing up to and overcoming challenges. We also want HARD WORK because the school is conscious of its responsibility to parents, many of whom make considerable sacrifices to send their children here. There is no other college quite like Westminster College Lagos. I hope you will come to visit us and feel for yourself the special atmosphere of security and happiness which makes achievement possible. It is a very good place to live, learn and grow up.